Alaabar Contracting

Alaabar Contracting

Artesian Well Projects

Artesian well projects

Delivering drinkable water in 15-40 days, project pinpointed by GPS, depths ranging from 10-15 meters, with a sign displaying the project's owner.

Drinkable water Execution period 15-40 days Project location on GPS Depth 10 - 15 meters Board showing project owner

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Alaabar Contracting

Alaabar Contracting

Surface Well with a Bucket in Ghana

Surface Well with a Bucket in Ghana

Providing potable water within 15-40 days, with project sites marked on GPS, at depths of 10-15 meters, and signage indicating the project's ownership.

Drinkable water Execution period 15-40 days Project location on GPS Beneficiaries are 3 or 7 families Depth 10 - 15 meters Board showing project owner

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Alaabar Contracting

Alaabar Contracting

Surface Well with Hand Pump in India

Surface Well with Hand Pump in India

Delivering drinkable water within 15-40 days, locating projects for families via GPS, at depths of 10-15 meters, with signage identifying the project owner.

Drinkable water Execution period 15-40 days Project location on GPS Beneficiaries are 3 or 7 families Depth 10 - 15 meters Board showing project owner

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